Web site objective. To identify management practices which, over time, create a culture encouraging innovation.
Canada Corner offers insight into older – since 2007 – reports that might help but the real issue is what action is taken as a result of the report. Our findings suggest little action takes place!
- Hubris – something to watch for! A Canadian perspective
- Registrants to the online survey from Canada and the U.S.A. are mostly aligned in their opinion on the management practices which create a great climate for innovation.
- Nortel – a report from the University of Ottawa.
- Apple versus RIM.
- Massey Ferguson. Did MF innovate. A special report.
- Tinkering – four countries including Canada.
- Canada versus USA – attitude to risk.
- GG offers good advice on productivity in 2011.
- The Red Wilson ‘Compete to Win’ report offered many recommendations.
- Canada’s ranking by WEC – a reminder.
Innovation management best practices
- What is innovation management? Background to innovation management.
Chat GPT response was very impressive - The ‘must haves’ for an effective innovation management system.
- Delegation; an essential part of good innovation practice.
- A new way to engage younger employees. New life for MBO; MBO2.0. A new way to align corporate and individual ‘values’. Climate and human rights issues come to mind!
- Envisioning to create innovation breakthroughs
Data from the online survey
- CEO thinking. Some surprises.
- Registrants validate CIO’s rating of 3M. 3M is CIO’s choice for best overall innovation management policies and practices.
- Financial services (banking) industry. Innovation management Segregated results. Looking for the source of ideas!
- Gender issues. Male versus female opinion. Delegation is equally important to both.
- Registrant 311 reports on their climate for innovation. Example is from India.
CIO’s entrepreneurial and innovation questionaire – revised. Use it for your purposes.
CEO manifesto for managing innovation. A focus on research and development.
Intrapreneurs need greater recognition; Article by Harvey Schachter.
Brain and culture mapping – similarities? Which is more of a challenge?
India’s manufacturing sector has a long way to go.
A tribute, to Clayton Christensen courtesy of the Globe and Mail
Book takeaways; Click for summary.
- How Google Works by Schmidt, Rosenberg, Eagle.
- Leonardo da Vinci, by Isaacson.
- The Everything Store by Stone.
- Detontate, by Tuff, Goldbach.
For fun!!
1. Where do ideas come from by Steven Johnson?
2. Innovation; a poem and pictures
3. Click on Even dogs innovate. for 2.17 minutes of dog bliss!